Adult Knit-a-Bitters

Main Library, Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main Street, Groveland, MA, 01834

Knit with the Knit-a-Bitters group! Bring a mask, your knitting materials, and socialize! 

Hybrid Program: Author Shaina Steinberg Discusses Under The Paper Moon

Meeting Room, Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main Street, Groveland, MA, 01834, Virtual, You will receive a link after you register for this program.

REGISTER HERE FOR ZOOM. Come view on our big screen or Zoom from home! Author Shaina Steinberg discusses her new historical mystery, Under The Paper Moon. Kate Quinn’s The Rose Code meets Mr. and Mrs. Smith in this intrigue-filled debut, as two former spies who shared more than just missions during WWII reunite in 1948 Los Angeles.…Learn More

Due to the many illnesses currently going around, mask wearing at the library is encouraged and recommended!