Adult Knit-a-Bitters

Main Library, Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main Street, Groveland, MA, 01834

Knit with the Knit-a-Bitters group! Bring a mask, your knitting materials, and socialize! 

Hybrid Program: Bestselling Author Donna Everhart Discusses When the Jessamine Grows

Meeting Room, Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main Street, Groveland, MA, 01834, Virtual, You will receive a link after you register for this program.

REGISTER HERE FOR ZOOM. Join us for an evening with The Saints of Swallow Hill, The Moonshiner's Daughter. .. historical fiction author Donna Everhart. Donna is known for writing about the North Carolina area where she grew up and still lives. Donna will discuss her newest book When the Jessamine Grows.…Learn More

Due to the many illnesses currently going around, mask wearing at the library is encouraged and recommended!